Sunday, November 28, 2010

Noel Blocks

This is a picture of the signs we made last week. If any of you are still interested in using the stencil, let me know. The stencil use is $4 or less, depending on how many people want to use it, and the board is $3. You use your own paints. I think they turned out beautifully!!

This week:

Noel blocks- I have no pictures of these, but they will be cute!

These are blocks of wood of different sizes, one for each letter. We will decorate the blocks with paint, scrap paper, and then stencil a letter on each block. You can also turn it around and do "snow" on the other side and use it after the holidays.
Bring with you:
*paint and brushes
*sand paper
*scrap paper
*mod podge and brush

Wood will be provided for free.

Meet at my house, Friday 10am.
Please shoot me an email, or leave a comment so I know how many will be joining us!
See ya Friday!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Black Friday Craft Night

Date: Black Friday
Time: 7:30pm or after
Place: Steph Southam's

What:**We have a stencil, here Search for "magic of Christmas" and it is the first one w/o a picture. We have the largest size. We will be stenciling it onto mdf boards, and then you can add to it as you wish.
The plan is to distribute the boards before TG. Then we can each paint them the color we want and bring them to stencil that night. We will have some colors to share for stenciling, but if you want a specific color, bring it with you.
Price: the stencil was $22. We will divide that by how many people want to use it. We do not have a price for the wood yet. Now that you have the info, please let me know how many you would like to make, by MONDAY. Call or email.

**Another idea is an advent calendar. It is made with a 24 cup muffin tin. If you want to make this, you will need to bring the muffin tin. I will get more info on this if you are interested.

**Finally, here are some cute things to do with blocks of wood: You would need to bring what you need, like paint, scrap paper, markers, etc. We will try to have blocks of wood, but will need some idea of what we need. If you had blocks of wood to share, that would be great, too.

So, let me know what you want to do, if you can make it, and any questions you have. And of course, snacks to share are always welcome!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cards and Tags

Here are the cards and tags available to make on Thursday night. So cute! Isn't Rachel amazing!!
Please let Rachel (or tell me and I can tell her) which ones you would like to do and how many of them. She would like a final count by Tuesday!
Prices are listed in the previous post.

Reminder: You can RSVP what you want by phone, email or commenting here on the blog.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cards and Tags

Our first craft night!! So exciting!

This is the beginning, hopefully!!, of a new crafty group of ladies! We plan to meet weekly between now and Christmas, and then less often when the new year starts. We have lots of great ideas (not mine)! We'd love to see you, even if you are not crafty or if you just want to hang out while others craft. We'd love your help in spreading the word, so invite your friends!

I'm not a super blogger, but will do my best to keep this updated with the information you want.

Here you will find:
Planned projects
Supply lists

We will need to know how many people to plan on so that we can have enough materials. Please let us know if you will be coming by the Monday of each week. You can RSVP by email, phone or by commenting here.

This first week we will be making Christmas Cards and Tags. Rachel Ames has generously agreed to share her awesome talents and will be providing the materials. Hopefully, I can get a picture up soon.

Prices will be as follows:

Christmas Card w/ Envelope $1each
Tag w/ Envelope 5/ $1
Tag w/o Envelope 10/$1

There will also be other tags you can make, more information will be coming soon.

Thursday November 18
Mandy Pitcher's House

If you have a folding chair, please bring it, I have none!
If you want to munch while crafting, please bring a snack to share.

Any questions, comments?